Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Last September in Prague

We're not really in Prague - we're way out in the hinterlands of British Columbia on the way to Alaska.  Some crazy Canadian gremlin got in my computer and I'm too much of a knucklehead to know how to do anything without it so you'll have to accept old news from when I was too stupid to post the European pictures. (There seems to be a duncecap hanging over me.)  It's gorgeous here and we're in a very quiet RV park, right on a river - with a southbound train on the west bank and a northbound train on the east bank.  It seems to make a trip a couple of times each hour, but is kind of below the banks so isn't as disruptive as I expected. 
So here is Prague:

A new twist on doughnuts from a street vendor.

I love that the guards make a big deal of guarding the castle and the band plays from the windows.

I don't remember the names of all the places, so just pretend, okay?
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