Friday, September 29, 2023

Nothing in Particular

Since we last met - 

Al turned 80!  Eighty!  

His attitude is still the same. 
(In case it's hard to see - 
I'm not arguing.  I'm explaining why I'm right.)

What happens when Brussells Sprouts are left to mature.  Kind of like people. 
 Funky and distorted.

Same thing with a wasp nest after a few wind storms.
 That's a lot of work for just one seasson.

The Carpenter built me a new table.  Life in the Patch is good. 

Utah with Julie and Robert.

The Tabernacle Choir shared a rehearsal evening with us.  Magnificent!

I found a perfect knitting spot at an RV park in Hoquiam.  This was the day before Homer fell onto the truck.  Way back in 2010 people told us that it's not if it happens but when it happens.  Ouch! Now we know.

The greenhouse is being expanded.

You know.

2023 ornaments.

Yarn dyed to match the rose.  It wasn't intentional but didn't that just work out nicely?

Three generations of Petri Perfection.