Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Weekend Away From Digging

Look at this!  Al put down his shovel long enough to pick up Pat and Rhett at the airport and have a weekend of fun.  We started with the Naval Undersea Museum, which was full of information about subs and diving and sailors.  Rhett is a former submariner and Pat is the daughter of one and the sister of another, so they were great sources of additional stories to go with what the Navy already knew. 
Friday we took the ferry to Victoria for a tour of the BC Parliament Building and a really good lunch. 
On the return trip we saw the biggest, brightest, longest lasting rainbow of all time.  Okay,, of my time, but isn't it all about me?   Well, isn't it?  It appeared that the pot of gold would be right in our front yard, but apparently a passing vagabond must have discovered it before we got home.  

Sunday we drove to the edge of the continent to see Cape Flattery and were knocked over (I'm bottom heavy, so kind of tough to knock over, like those inflatable clowns when we were kids, but you know what I mean) with the surprise of seeing a herd of the Olympic Peninsula Roosevelt Elk.  Named for Teddy Roosevelt, they only live in and near the Olympic Rainforest. 
 You'll just have to do some research for more info.  
Seattle from the very back of the ferry (we were the very last vehicle to be loaded,
 just by the seat of Tom Dually's pants) as we ventured back home. 
 Monday was a stunning day with all the magnificent mountains popping out from the 
clouds, just for our viewing pleasure.   
We have been astonished every day as new plants come peeking up to announce Spring and welcome us to our new house.  This little patch has daffodils, jonquils (does anybody know just what the difference is?  I googled but it seems like everything is just a cousin in the same overpopulated family), hyacinth, some other pretty little blue things I don't know the name of, and now red tulips are joining the party.  

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