Monday, November 21, 2016

Not lost, just distracted

Oops, I kept forgetting to get back here, but you haven't missed much.  We have just been getting on with everyday life, keeping busy and getting projects done.  
 I seem to torture most African violets, but this one defied me.
Grandma would be so pleased.

 Al built me this perfect desk for the Patch, mostly with reclaimed pieces.  It's the same height as the big work table so it can be wheeled up for an extension.  Now I just have to file more of those clippings that I can't seem to avoid.  Will I ever knit all those sweaters or stitch all that needlepoint?  Maybe If I live to be 135.

 Cock your head to the right to see the ornament that Nicky gets to commemorate his graduation.

 And piano-playing Matthew.

 That amazing hubby is now building me an ironing table.  Here is the beginning.  Ain't he somethin'?

Yet another reason why Sequim is Paradise.  This hydrangea just won't quit, even no.

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