Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Chain Gang in our Driveway

 This is Tom Dually's bed protector that Al built for hauling all the dirt and gravel as he
 remodels the front lawn.  Are you jealous?  Should he build one for you? Maybe he'll sell you the plans.

 There is going to be a driveway border but we don't think it will keep the deer out.

Here is Rhode Island - where there are now a couple of rhododendrons but soon will be many more.
  With a new border and tons of wood chips.  It smells like a broken Christmas tree around here. 
 Shazam!  The border looks pretty good.  What a guy can do with a hammer.

 Thank you, Nicole, for the chocolate sunflower seeds. 

The front walk now has a new border and a jillion more wood chips.  The septic tank lids are under the wooden islands.  It's like we're living in the tropics with all the islands.  I'll be the perfect fat queen.  Just bring me more tapioca pudding. The plan is to have lush plants growing everywhere, but that will obviously take quite a while.  Unless we get a visit from the fairy garden mother with her magic wand and a flock of cartoon animals to do the work while they whistle and sing.  I'll let you know.

 Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas in the basket, a few minutes old.
Straight from the bucket garden.  Ain't that somethin'?


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